My Healthy Gut

My Healthy Gut


MyHealthyGut is designed to solve a big and uncomfortable problem. A problem that was impacting millions of people across North America: uncontrolled Celiac disease and other digestive health issues. The app provides convenient and data-backed tools to celiacs, those with gluten intolerance, and anyone else looking to manage and improve their digestive health.


User Persona

User Flow


Visual Design


To make the design effective and tested to be user-friendly, completed 5 stages of the design process. Beginning from the problem statement and finding and sketching out the solutions for the concept after doing research. Wireframing and testing it with the users, iterate and completing UI design, and making a prototype. Giving the app to real users for testing, and finally by launching the app.


Problem & Process

About 20 million Canadians – nearly two-thirds of the population – suffer from at least one digestive disorder. A staggering $160 billion is spent annually in North America on healthcare related to digestive diseases. To counter this our client made an MVP of the app and came to our team to make the experience better and according to their existing users’ needs.

01 Understanding the User

To empathize with users and understand their existing pain points, we did user testing of the exciting MVP solution of the concept. We noted down the expectations: easy and simple to track food, user-friendly interface, and personalized experience.

02 Client’s Business Goals

The client’s business goal is to introduce a Health Coach which will provide a customized experience to the user according to their needs. The paid resources are also to be used for the user and business benefits.

03 Competitor Analysis

We have done a competitive analysis of the solutions that other products are providing. We found that the more easy and simple to use app will be helpful for the user as it will not create a cognitive load on their mind while using the app.

User Persona

Alisa Hope

Age – 32 years
Profession: Teacher
Location: Toranto, Canada


Alisa is facing celiac disease due to her bad diet. She mostly takes food that contains gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. She is complaining about diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss.


End Goal

– Wanted to get rid of the celiac problem.
– Know about the best food recipes and diet plans.
– Track my symptoms to share with my doctor.

User Flow

Created a user flow to understand how the users navigate & behave. This was then updated after the user feedback.



Sketches & Ideation

After completing the research, time to sketch down some ideas with initial features. This was also shared with other team members for feedback.



High Fidelity
Wireframe & Testing

The high fidelity wireframes are important to show the content, information and for structuring the basic layout. It really helped in the UI design part and for user testing of the initial solutions.


UI Design & Prototype

Once the features and functionality of the application decided, the next step was to work on user interface design and then prototype it so the stack holders and users can use it and give their valuable feedback.


Lato-type family with different sizes have been used for better legibility.

Large Title Lato Black 32pt
H1 Lato Bold 28pt
H2 Lato Bold 16pt
H3 Lato Regular 14pt
Call to Action Lato Bold 16pt
Body Lato Regular 12pt
Caption Lato Bold 12pt


Simple and meaningful icons have been used for accomplishing intuitive design.

Color Palette

Bright and lively colors have been used to give the app a fresh and modern look and feel.

Visual Design

Kept the design simple and visually appealing by using a minimalistic design approach. As there were a lot of features that’s why the aim is to make it simple and easy to use with less or no cognitive load.


Professor-G is here to guide you about the celiac problem.


Daily food log to track your diet plan in an intuitive way.


Track your pain level to share with your healthcare provider.


List of healing foods to solve your celiac problem.


Healing food details, with all valuable information.


Logged the food taken throughout the whole day.


Collection of best resources for your healthy lifestyle.


Our personalized health coach is here to help you.


User Testing & Result

Once the design and prototype have completed we give this app to different targeted users. After their feedback and multiple iterations, we were able to sign off on this to the development. After the launch of the app, we got 4.6 ratings on the app store with satisfied users.

User Feedback

In less than 15 minutes on a free trial of the MyHealthyGut App, I am convinced that we have been ushered into a whole new era of healthcare that will support us in effectively self-managing celiac disease. MyHealthyGut has it all – food lists to support gut health, therapeutic plans, recipes according to ingredients and dietary restrictions, food maps, and more. Receive the latest news, explore healing foods, and be supported by a ‘Health Coach’ who will not only answer your questions but sends alerts and advice. She has your back and the best of health at heart! What impresses me most is the food – and symptom – journaling feature. As MyHealthyGut gets to know me, I can get to know myself and be empowered to best care for my own digestive health. Statistics can be tracked and even shared with my health care provider so that they can support me in my efforts to improve my overall well-being. This is the ‘Dietitian-in-a-Pocket’ that you’ll never want to let go!

Drs. Michelle Sholzberg

Stack Holder


Users love the depth of knowledge and features that include daily journaling, symptom tracking, meal plans and recipes, real-time answers to FAQs from the in-built chatbot, alerts, tips, advice, and guidance on fostering a healthier gut and lifestyle. Unsurprisingly, the app has also become a valuable resource for healthcare practitioners working with those suffering from digestive issues.

The Numbers


Selected No. of Users


No. of Screens


Year Launched




Size in MB